
Showing posts from April, 2021

What to Do About the Flu

What to Do About the Flu I heard from a co-tenant about Frederick Forsythe's comments on the mask law. I gather that he opposes it. Yes, it's a nasty way to treat people. I'm sure that most of us find it unjustly punishing to some degree. I see it as more the work of our broadcasters than of our government. This whole virus scare started on TV. They passed it off to us like it was the plague, got us all afraid of each other's germs, and what was the big emergency? Just another flu season, wasn't it? Well, now that they've got half the population vaccinated, I guess we'll never know. In the meantime, we've had another U.S. election. Election time, that's when broadcasters rule, right? It helps a lot to have the media behind you for an election, and you can see how well it worked for Joe Biden to uphold the broadcasters' mask law. He knew he could count on them to fabricate the necessary hysteria for it. Normally, though, I think ...

Good Writing Is Hard

Good Writing Is Hard As I was saying yesterday, it feels good to be working in a secure job and affording some small hope for my future. My longest stretch of unemployment began in 2007, during the initial rape of my online accounts by certain performers and stars, and continued through the inadvertent reconstruction of my first hit song, Size, in 2010, all the way to 2019. From 2010 to 2019, I rewrote over one thousand comedy sketches, almost 200 songs, and 236 pages of poetry, besides reconstructing over forty cartoons. That was more than enough to keep me occupied through that period, and there's no way I could have recovered so much work if I'd have had to work full-time in a job like the one I'm doing now. I have always been a person of abundant energy who is attracted to a challenging struggle. My comedy scripts were one such struggle. It isn't easy to write an effective comedy script. It took years of effort for me to master this skill, and even n...

Time Is My Teacher

Time Is My Teacher 10:42pm. I've just reposted this to make sure the right title is in the URL. February 8, 2014: Look No Further The true culprit eludes detection Under a cloak of respectability His impressive image Paid for with loot snatched from starving widows His soft and seductive speech Privately distilled from a hail of expletives He plies us with compliments And echoes our sensibilities To win our trust Then points the finger of blame outward To keep himself free and clear He targets the weak and underprivileged And slaughtered soldiers line the road to his monument Our only defense is to shun him And all others like him To do otherwise makes us culprits And seals our doom Above - an early poem of mine, originally shared on around 2006, or so, on my old deleted Blogger account that was so popular with stars. Now it's in my 'Songs that Don't Rhyme' blog (2014). I watched a Netflix documentary about cults last night an...

The Only News I Want

The Only News I Want So, it's been a couple weeks since I posted my complaint about the friendly way Austin Powers was depicted on Global News, here in Canada, and I'd like to say a little more about it. First of all, does anyone still doubt my claims of ownership over my work here? Does anyone think I'm lying about writing all my songs that used to be on the 'new rock' station with bands like Blue Rodeo playing them? Does anyone think I'm lying about writing all those comedy posts that ended up on shows like Saturday Night Live and the Simpsons? If so, they must think I'm a horrible person. Is that right, Global News? Do I deserve to be regarded as some kind of monster for inadvertently rewriting all those things you praised to the skies when they were in the hands of frauds on TV and the radio? Of course, not. But what's going on right now? What happens if I leave a friendly comment on a music post like I did last night? Can I count on p...