The Only News I Want
So, it's been a couple weeks since I posted my complaint about the friendly way Austin Powers was depicted on Global News, here in Canada, and I'd like to say a little more about it. First of all, does anyone still doubt my claims of ownership over my work here? Does anyone think I'm lying about writing all my songs that used to be on the 'new rock' station with bands like Blue Rodeo playing them? Does anyone think I'm lying about writing all those comedy posts that ended up on shows like Saturday Night Live and the Simpsons? If so, they must think I'm a horrible person. Is that right, Global News? Do I deserve to be regarded as some kind of monster for inadvertently rewriting all those things you praised to the skies when they were in the hands of frauds on TV and the radio? Of course, not. But what's going on right now? What happens if I leave a friendly comment on a music post like I did last night? Can I count on people to treat me fairly after you got them all to worship frauds who stole my music and poetry? Global News, do you know what it feels like to be falsely accused of horrible crimes when you're innocent? What do you think Mike Myers said about me when he was being Austin Powers with my blogs and cartoons? What did Ellen call me when she was acting out my poems and blogs for her viewers? Dodgy Dave? Why did she call me that? Because they wouldn't throw me in jail for her fraud? Global News, do you think I need to be star like all those creeps who didn't know how to write my hits? Maybe that would be nice, but I'd rather have my reputation as a human being back, and I can't achieve that until you people stop promoting the crimes with my songs and blogs as some kind of wonderful gift to the world. Your stars wouldn't last long in the real world. They want to live in their 'heaven' where liars like themselves triumph over honest hardworking people. Myself, I don't mind going to my job six times a week and working up a sweat. I'm physically interacting with the real world. It lets me keep my perspective. Plus I can stay in good physical condition. What were all your overgrown children doing with my grown up work? It's an absolute travesty. If I see any more examples of your network promoting crimes against my work and image, I'm downloading it and adding it to a collection which I am showing to a U.S. lawyer. The only news I want about the stars in my copyright violators list is that they are incarcerated or out of business. Thank you. |
© 2021. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved. |
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