
Showing posts from October, 2021

Nothing to Laugh At

Nothing to Laugh At I've been catching up with those old 'On the Buses' episodes. (See my tribute to the show at this link: Episode 51 .) I know it's not a very well written show, but I like the characters. After I shared all those hilarious comedy sketches on Blogger and had them turned to fraud by vicious comedy stars, I'm glad I found something that can at least make me smile. I don't know what you think is funny, but I find that good comedy writing is extremely rare. I think people end up forcing themselves to laugh because they need levity and the humour they get on TV is ineffective. A good comedy script is like an efficient computer program. Very few comedy authors understand computer logic, or would approach the task of script writing as I do. And so, they suck at their job.    Arguments Copyright Issues Comedy Sketches Cartoons Lyrics Poems More Statements Scripts Songs...

Truth Is More Important than Stardom

Truth Is More Important I can't believe someone found my work clothes amusing today. Here I am, minding my own business, being responsible, making sure your grocery stores have stocked shelves, shipping them produce by the ton, breaking my back to load fifty pound units by hand, struggling to fit all the different sizes and weights and compositions onto the same pallet, and someone wants to poke fun at how I look on my way to my job. I told my supervisor about it and he advised me not to let it upset me. He said that's what the little creep wants. So I'm not going to fly into a rage. It's hard for me because I know the source of this disrespect for hard workers. It comes from an irresponsible broadcasting system that lets its lazy, brainless stars suck all the profits and glory from a hard working author - one that cares more about truth than money. It's not just an insult to the author (me), but to all hard workers if the rotten networks and vicio...