
Showing posts from May, 2021

Hip Ailment - with P.S. Insertions

Hip Ailment - with P.S. Insertions May 24/21: I forgot to share the title of that rewritten track from 2007 I stumbled on while recording last year: SPILL OUT YOUR HONEY. Doesn't it fit well with my other songs from the time? You know, '...You must have enough/ to mix with some bitter stuff...' I don't know which band has been telling you it was theirs all these years, but they'll soon learn otherwise. I don't know if the Tragically Hip cashed in on it, but I bet they took something from me back then. Everyone else did. And the corporate Vancouver press is always interested in hyping anything of mine in the hands of a fraud, it seems. Such was the case with Blue Rodeo in 2017, with the Rolling Stones in 2020, and they seem to need to prove something by this malicious treatment of a copyright owner like myself in Vancouver.[End of insertion.] May 24/21: (8:30pm) The lyrics for the above mentioned song are quite nice, I think. Here's the seco

Taylor's Money's Dirty

Taylor's Money's Dirty I owed money to the government this year, so I ran down to the bank on the deadline yesterday to pay it off. The guy in line before me had to pay a lot more than me. Sounded like he owed around a quarter of a million for 2020. He had to call someone else - probably his accountant - to complete the transaction. It got me thinking about some of the bank accounts of those industry supported frauds with my music and comedy. Are they still boasting of their success with their crime? And why doesn't the media warn the public to avoid these frauds with my work? Is it better for the economy to stand behind a bunch of liars and thieves on TV? Gee, maybe it's time for a new economy, one that supports hard work instead of mocking it. It's when I get to thinking about hard work and how it was mocked by Taylor Grift and Blue Movie and Fuckingprick and all those other rock and roll clowns who the media were praising for their arrogant cr