Taylor's Money's Dirty

Taylor's Money's Dirty

I owed money to the government this year, so I ran down to the bank on the deadline yesterday to pay it off. The guy in line before me had to pay a lot more than me. Sounded like he owed around a quarter of a million for 2020. He had to call someone else - probably his accountant - to complete the transaction. It got me thinking about some of the bank accounts of those industry supported frauds with my music and comedy. Are they still boasting of their success with their crime? And why doesn't the media warn the public to avoid these frauds with my work? Is it better for the economy to stand behind a bunch of liars and thieves on TV? Gee, maybe it's time for a new economy, one that supports hard work instead of mocking it.

It's when I get to thinking about hard work and how it was mocked by Taylor Grift and Blue Movie and Fuckingprick and all those other rock and roll clowns who the media were praising for their arrogant crimes that I am the most troubled these days. I have gone back to work in a real job like the work that Taylor Grift and Blue Movie and Fuckingprick obviously never had to do in their lives. It's probably the same kind of job most of you have; just a good, hard, honest job for good and honest people, the kind of hard work that no one in the the candy-assed corporate media respects. They instead found virtue in every nasty no-name who thought they should get paid for my life-work. You know, the Shards, the Crystalids, Taylor Grift, those 'new' comedy stars, and so forth. I have had to put up with countless strangers now who have been converted to the vilest hate as a result of my music and comedy in such destructive hands all these years and the offenders too afraid to own up to their crimes and their punishments. But I still have faith that most of you are on my side against them when it comes to what they did to my work and my life. Any appearance of support for them on TV, the internet, or anywhere should be widely condemned. And you don't need me to flag a dirty video that steals my music, you can flag it yourself and make it disappear. I don't have time to monitor all my posts anymore. I've gone back to full-time employment, you see.

It was my music or comedy that made so many undeserving performers popular, and where did that leave me? I don't think others necessarily deserve to be unpopular, but do I deserve to be unpopular for writing hit songs? Bill O'Reilly, I still recall your plug on Fox News for Taylor Grift after she stole my music video for Ooga Balooga in 2007. Did you think I deserved to be unpopular for writing this hit? That's so utterly twisted. And that's just one song out of two hundred that were stolen from me, as I'm sure you and your dishonest colleagues in the media knew all along.

You lawyers who expected me to be 'crushed' by the great gang of predator stars who'd encircled me: look, I'm still here! I got a job and now my bank account's going into five figures. I'll soon have the cash to pay for a real law suit, but I hope I can find a lawyer who can go the distance with me. I want a lawyer who will put my needs first instead of looking for a solution that would be agreeable to those broadcasting gangsters. I guess I'll have to shop around in the U.S. for one - if the border reopens before I die of natural causes.

After what happened to me at the hands of the media and their stars, I know that this civilization is in bad hands. I advise people to totally shun the media. All their power must come from you first. They've come to take you all for granted and it's made them extra arrogant. What are they good for except to push your buttons and drive up your blood pressure? Why should we trust them? They only care about themselves and their ratings. I'm speaking of the corporate media here, the one that gets its money from big business. Tell me, since when did big business ever care about us workers? They were the ones that had us working 12 to 16 hour shifts, six days a week. Why should we listen to them just because they have the biggest transmitters? All they'll do is trick us into betraying ourselves. They almost had me endorsing fraud with my music and comedy. As for you, you responded to the sincerity of my message as I expressed it in my work. Maybe you sensed the victory of a common worker in my thoughts and feelings when they were popularly received. And then the frauds who stole them tricked you into rejecting me.

Which one of you in the media said 'it can't be all fraud'? How typical of them to speak of a concrete fact as though it can be altered by broadcasting bullshit. What do you mean, it can't all be fraud? That's like saying the sky can't be blue. What colour do you think it should be instead? Now, listen up: the sky is blue. And I have spent most of the last ten years of my life recovering two hundred songs, over a thousand comedy sketches, two hundred poems, and over forty cartoons, all of which you praised in the hands of frauds on the TV and radio over the last ten or fifteen years. I lived my life and I know what's real. I wrote all of that work and I struggled to achieve the highest possible quality in doing so. Then you knowingly let lazy bums take all the lovely rewards for it, rewards that are supposed to be reserved for artists who make an outstanding effort. That's what can't be. And if we left it up to you media people, those frauds would be dancing on my suicide grave by now and getting their misled groupies to desecrate it afterwards. So keep pushing your crappy new content like you never had to do with my things. My good work was always its own best advertising, which is why it was so successful behind my back on so many of your treacherous, cheating stations.

Broadcasters, the profits your pets boast about are dirty. Dirty money is bad for the economy. How wrong of you to confuse me with your pets. They didn't have to sell themselves out, only sell me out. But you thought I'd sell myself out for a moment in your precious limelight. There are other things far more precious to me. Besides, if I was like your pets, my work wouldn't have been nearly as appealing. My work: you know, that thing you said was so brilliant and so noble when all the wrongest people were using it like poison against a vulnerable population. It may be convenient for you to separate me from my noblest achievements, but as you have now learned, such is physically impossible for your victim.

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