
Showing posts from September, 2021

No Choice Equals No Freedom

No Choice Equals No Freedom It's election time again, and I think it's appropriate to talk about what democracy means to me. I would expect the life of a common citizen to be better in a democracy because our voting gives us the power to shape our world to our liking - at least, it's supposed to. So that means that if something is unpopular, we can do away with it. Who all likes mandatory masks and social distancing? Does anyone think we're better off under these new restrictions? On the other hand, who hates these new laws? Who all wants to put a stop to mandatory masks and social distancing? Probably just about everyone. Democracy depends on choice. What choice do we have if we want to vote against uptight, paranoid measures against the flu? How does a voter like me express his extreme dissatisfaction with the frigid new society of social distancing, locked borders, and insulting mask laws? Which party wants to answer the people's real needs, ins

Free Poet

Free Poet I haven't heard anything back from Youtube. Lately I've been plucking new melodies on my guitar and not recording them. My music has taken an acoustic turn these days, but it's probably because I'm getting so advanced in my years. In spite of what happened to my songs, I'm still able to lose myself in my music at the end of a hard day. I'm sure it also would help others to feel better if I shared it, but then some greedy, psychotic, 'family friendly' performer would move in and swallow up all your gratitude and leave me nothing but insults in its place again. I've suffered that enough, but I can still enjoy my nice new compositions on my own. At fifty-five I'm old enough to compare yesterday to today and note some disturbing differences. I feel sorry for young people today. Not only do they lack the freedom their parents enjoyed, but job opportunities are more limited than ever and inflation has gotten well ahead of work

Age-Restrict Ellen/Dear Youtube

Age-Restrict Ellen/Dear Youtube I just found out that YouTube has age-restricted one of my videos, probably due to its title 'Pussyboys Fuck with My Videos Behind My Back'. I don't really care that much, but it was a true statement at the time. Truth is not always presentable, and I think that YouTube cares too much about presentation and not enough about truth. The truth is that TV personalities like Ellen Degeneres are monsters who lied to children with my poetry and comedy, but someone still thought her face belonged on a breakfast cereal box. The truth is that popular stars engaged in a crime that compares favourably with serial killing, but all YouTube ever let on - outside my account - was that these stars were wonderful and that your children should admire them. Have a look at my offenders list from the below 'Statements' link to see the kind of stars YouTube didn't age-restrict while they got rich with my blogs and songs, from 2007 all the

First Decree Murder

First Decree Murder I had a thought from viewing the CTV documentary 'the Pig Farm' about the serial slayings of Willie Pickton. This film ostensibly faulted witnesses for not contacting police early enough, but I disagree. In fact, one of the killer's first victims fought back and managed to flag down a passing motorist who took her to the hospital for life-saving treatment. Pickton, wounded in the scuffle, drove himself to the same hospital where an orderly recovered a key from his pocket that turned out to fit the handcuffs on his female victim. So, wasn't she a witness? A very early one? And didn't she come forward with more than just knowledge but with real stab wounds? Yet her testimony was rejected because, as a 'drug user', she 'lacked credibility'. I wouldn't criticize the police, either, for taking so long to apprehend this killer. They must work within the law, which can be most constraining. The law prevented police fr