Age-Restrict Ellen/Dear Youtube

Age-Restrict Ellen/Dear Youtube
I just found out that YouTube has age-restricted one of my videos, probably due to its title 'Pussyboys Fuck with My Videos Behind My Back'. I don't really care that much, but it was a true statement at the time. Truth is not always presentable, and I think that YouTube cares too much about presentation and not enough about truth. The truth is that TV personalities like Ellen Degeneres are monsters who lied to children with my poetry and comedy, but someone still thought her face belonged on a breakfast cereal box. The truth is that popular stars engaged in a crime that compares favourably with serial killing, but all YouTube ever let on - outside my account - was that these stars were wonderful and that your children should admire them. Have a look at my offenders list from the below 'Statements' link to see the kind of stars YouTube didn't age-restrict while they got rich with my blogs and songs, from 2007 all the way to whenever I finally recovered what they took.


I should say a little more about this. The offending phrase in the title has almost no connection to the song in the 'video'. I typed it in retaliation for some flak I was getting while trying to compile my online music lists several years ago. I suffered a lot of interference while trying to consolidate my ownership of my work here. You can guess who it comes from and that they bring out the very worst in me. I don't object to changing it back to its original title. (Foothead?) Anyway, it's an old song, and not the best recording, so it was on low priority.

I've shared a couple hundred songs on Youtube since my first account with them in 2006. Now they're talking about age-restricting all that over one bad song title? Who cares! Have you heard some of the language coming out of ghetto blasters these days? Christ, kids hear that kind of talk all the time, even from their dads at the dinner table.

Sometimes it seems like I only suffer for pleasing others. The ambulance's delay when I call for help with searing kidney pain, that's what I get. Or if the bus driver slams the door in my face as I try to board, or if a stranger attacks me on the sidewalk with her big scary dog, that's what I get. And now this, which might normally be fair, but too many others were treated like royalty for stealing all my royalties. And why shouldn't children know the truth about it? That's my question for the censors of Youtube: Why shouldn't children know about me?

As the victim of such a psychopathic crime, I don't need an x-rated image. I am absolutely safe for children, especially girls. Hell, I used to know one, and I'm an adult they can trust. Someone has to teach them how to spell their cuss words and to handle firearms safely, or they might get laughed at by their classmates. And who else will show them how to avoid burning themselves with their cigarette lighters when they're drunk? I make myself useful to the community, and I stay out of trouble at my job. I had an otherwise good day at work yesterday. It rained hard, but the pallets were willing - not that it would make any difference if they wanted to be stubborn. My power jack has fat forks, you see, but I don't take no for an answer. I pin them to the wall if I must, but yesterday they stayed put and didn't resist. It was nice for a change. Knock on wood.

5:03 I just changed that song back to its title and I wanted to contact Youtube with the following note, but found no email address. Oh, and, Youtube, I didn't view the George Carlin video on my page. That certainly wasn't my choice because George Carlin makes me puke after stealing and plagiarizing so many of my blogs, as I've stated and restated in this account since 2014. It's probably filthy with violations of my work. Thanks.

Dear Youtube:

Thanks for contacting me. I will change the title to this video if it's that much of a problem. I would have very little sense of its impact because I can't see its views and comments.

I am not on Youtube to be a star, but to be the truth. Some of my best things were stolen by the predators of your community, about whom I had no warning when I first joined it in 2006. Since then, my most popular songs and poems and sketches have been used to turn whole generations of schoolchildren against me. I can't believe I survived it, and I swear I only live now to undo this vicious fraud.

I don't know if you can imagine the kind of psychopathic cruelty I faced alone against so many impostors, but perhaps you should be helping me repair the harm they inflicted on my image, not adding to it with your age-restricting insinuations. To date I've only largely restored what was lost from my first Youtube account, and I wouldn't hide such healing truth from children over a few poorly chosen words at the top of a music video.

Maybe if more of your members had purer motives like my own, instead of their corrupting desires for money and power, they wouldn't steal my songs and I wouldn't have to lose my temper and write things I wouldn't otherwise write. You've hardly been on my side with my copyright issues, but I hope you can at least show a little understanding after my 15-year ordeal on your website. It has been quite excruciating for me at times.

I don't care much for a lot of my videos now, and I only leave them up to prevent another major heist - especially after being forced to rewrite so many old songs from scratch. However, I am too busy in my full-time job to post new videos. I plan to move my existing content to a more independent outside location, but, again, I currently lack the time to change my links for the new file structure. Accordingly, my online presence should be limited enough to pose no serious concerns.

As long as I can type my appeal here, I should add that I don't like how you could allow your website to dress up such manipulating monsters in my talent and present them to children as role models. You think decency begins and ends with family, job, and home, but that's the kind of attitude that lets pychopaths loose to spread their mayhem. I judge people by their actions or inactions, not their appearances. When will Youtube adopt this fair and sensible policy? When will Youtube stop discriminating against me over superficialities like my age or my employment or my address? I wrote all that popular work, didn't I? What does that tell you about my heart?
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