Free Poet

Free Poet
I haven't heard anything back from Youtube. Lately I've been plucking new melodies on my guitar and not recording them. My music has taken an acoustic turn these days, but it's probably because I'm getting so advanced in my years. In spite of what happened to my songs, I'm still able to lose myself in my music at the end of a hard day. I'm sure it also would help others to feel better if I shared it, but then some greedy, psychotic, 'family friendly' performer would move in and swallow up all your gratitude and leave me nothing but insults in its place again. I've suffered that enough, but I can still enjoy my nice new compositions on my own.

At fifty-five I'm old enough to compare yesterday to today and note some disturbing differences. I feel sorry for young people today. Not only do they lack the freedom their parents enjoyed, but job opportunities are more limited than ever and inflation has gotten well ahead of working wages. I'm glad I'm not a parent because I'd feel guilty that my child couldn't have the same high hopes for the future that I once had.

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© 2021. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.


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