Caught in the Net

Caught in the Net
Just an extra note about my links. I thought I already changed my links to the new code in this blog, but they seem to have changed back somehow. Has someone been screwing with my HTML? It would be helpful to a lot of rotten, crooked stars for my pages to include the message 'insecure connection.' It takes me hours to recode them by hand. Have any of those disgusting creeps that TV wants everyone to worship for stealing my beautiful property been up to their filthy, cowardly treachery again?

I noticed a message from YouTube in my inbox stating that they've changed their terms and conditions again. It hasn't been a very safe or consistent host for me. Luckily I don't really need them anymore as I can purchase an outside URL now and post my things there. I just need a little time off my real job for the task - if I ever get any.

I'm not sure why they've turned into such censors in recent years, but I don't blame them specifically for it. Now that I have Netflix, I can see by its warnings and disclaimers that we must protect ourselves from terrible threats like nudity, foul language, and, yes, even the sight of anorexia - especially when its fake puke looks too realistic. Netflix, your programming is quite good, but you don't put up enough warnings. The nudity in that holocaust documentary was absolutely shocking. A lot of those corpses they piled into that ravine were bare naked! Shame on you! Never mind the ghastly horrors of those death camps, just put some shorts on those poor dead victims, right? Sheesh, some people are so sexually uptight. I'd hoped we were getting over that since the 1970's.

So far I have given the thumbs up to the your exclusive series The Crown, as well as to an excellent war documentary. I would give thumbs down to anything featuring stars who were mixed up in the crimes against my property on the web, such as Tom Hanks or Family Guy (Seth MacFarlane), but this would be for strictly personal reasons. I would rather not have to look at their faces again for the rest of my life, but I guess they didn't hurt you as badly as they hurt me. Maybe you even profited from their crimes with my work. I'll have to check. On a more positive note, I was impressed with Gillian Anderson's portrayal of Margeret Thatcher. Very convincing, but I still like Thatcher's Spitting Image puppet the most. You really need a man to get that voice right, I think.

Nov28/21 1:47am: So, Netflix, I've been watching your animated docuseries How to Become a Tyrant. I like the animations, but I need to correct you on the source of one of your quotes which you attributed to Chris Rock. The quote, which you said was issued by a great man, is 'I can only be as faithful as my options.' I am the author of that quote, as well as any other words that might be missing from it. Netflix, telling everyone that Chris Rock had my thoughts and phrased them in my words seems to me as bad as any of the crimes against truth you want to attribute to the tyrants in your docuseries. Thanks for the compliment, but I think Chris Rock appreciates it more than I do. Too bad it's going to cost me 18 dollars this month to see another bit of my property ripped off by Chris Rock. I recall watching him plagarizing one of my posts from the Iraq war where I clashed with the popular media of the time by saying Iraq wasn't a threat to the U.S. My words were: 'If Iraq is such a threat, how come it only took two weeks to take over their whole fucking country?' Sound familiar? You must have liked hearing Seal stealing my music too. I'll let you know about other violations of my copyright by your stars as I come across them. In the meantime, please make room in your paranormal documentaries for more accounts of those who have died and visited hell. It may help to deter further offences against me.

Nov30/21 2:54am: (Don't forget I work on the night shift.) I've updated my Copyright Offenders list to include Chris Rock's name. I added his theft of my discussion about romantic relationships to his act, though I'd need to see it again to recall precisely what he stole from me. It was a long time ago. I've also updated the protocol in my links on that page to give you a more 'secure connection' than what my pre-2015 HTML was offering. I've reached my second anniversary of full-time employment, but this November is also the 14th anniversary of the terrible rape of my blogs and songs on TV and the radio.
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