That's Not a Conspiracy?

That's Not a Conspiracy?
I've recently seen the Conspiracies series on Netflix. It talks about the Rolling Stones in one episode. I can't get past the first ten seconds of it without crying out in pain, and their auto-prompter keeps forcing me to go back to it. For God's sake, Netflix, you want to talk about a conspiracy involving the Rolling Stones? They stole my hits, along with many of the biggest names on the rock and roll stage. All of them, an evil cabal, all aligned against one innocent artist to commit fraud with my music on a vast scale for ten or more years, while their zany friends in comedy raped my blogs. Rich stars enjoying the full support of the corporate media to commit their crimes. A top secret crime against the public, in order to make us think they have GREAT TALENT and get us to REWARD THEM for it with riches and sex. (Sorry, I should say more riches and more sex.) Is that not lurid enough for you, Netflix? All of them going to jail and prison and being punished for it since 2010, while broacasters and journalists got the world to look the other way. That's not a conspiracy, right? Says you.

Hey, it's Christmastime again. Will you share it with your families, Netflix? I can't because your stars and broadcasters estranged me from my relatives with their ugly fraud. Will you share Christmas with your parents, all you 'twenty-somethings'? My mom died on a December day, wondering how she could have fallen for the lies coming out of her television her whole life. Merry Christmas. Hey, thanks for that putdown I heard about 'twelve posts' that I received from a stranger behind my back earlier today. Which one of your lovely stars is telling lies about my private parts again in retaliation for me telling the truth about them? Yeah, Merry Christmas. Have your lovely stars released any new DVD's of themselves ripping off my comedy and poetry? They made great gifts, apparently. Who got paid for all that hard work I shared? Oh, right, they did! And what did the IP lawyers tell me when I approached them for help in Vancouver in 2007? Shall I quote? 'Go home.' Right. Merry Christmas! Why don't you buy yourself a heart for Christmas this year? Then you can let it torture you MAD.

I'll state for the record now that I am extremely dissatisfied with whatever agreement my lawyers made with those filthy rich broadcasters on my behalf. Whatever money they made for betraying me, I hope it rapidly brings their ruin. I hope that hell will be to pay for every dollar of my money that was spent by boastful, corrupt stars. And I hope that they and their media slaves will all burn on the same stack of corpses as their guilty fans and sadistic sponsors. I'm tired this living death I'm forced to endure at their hands, just so everyone can have fond memories - or no memory - of their God damned fraudfest with my honest posts from 1999 to the present. I can't wait to see them burn. Speaking of burning, remember that parable Christ shared with his flock, the one about the rich man who went to hell? He wanted to be allowed to come back and warn his brother, but Abraham told him that his brother already had the holy scriptures to warn him. And if you still look to flimflammers for a song, story or laugh, after looking through this account, seeing I've always been here, seeing I'm innocent, learning of the great crime against truth committed by the widespread plagiarism of my songs, poems, sketches, and cartoons, wouldn't you also be prevented from coming back and warning your relatives if it put you in hell? According to Christ, himself, wouldn't you be told that they have my blogs to warn them?
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