(Title: Same as Last)

Happy Halloween 2020
Nov 1/2020: (This won't appear in the preceding post.) It's the next day and I got fooled by the switch to daylight savings time. I'm sitting here at work an hour early, so I have time to comment on yesterday's post while I'm here. I guess I flew off the handle a bit. It's just that I think about how these superstars and their broadcasts have hurt me so deeply with their abuse of my property and I don't even know any of them. And I know there are people who really follow them and trust them, but I doubt this group forms anything near the majority. You can't blame me for having a low opinion for anyone who wants to pat stars on the back for the orgy they had with the fruits of my suffering and talent. SNL staying on TV to make me look illegitimate when I just need to defend my good name here: that's so dirty. I don't recall this problem under Obama. I consider the crimes committed against me by violators of my copyrights and image on the stage and in the media to be human rights violations. So that's why the Democrats appeal to me, because they care about human rights. They wouldn't take millions from a filthy fraud scheme that lies to children's hearts with stolen music and poetry and cartoons and call it 'just business' - and treat the author as an 'externality' for convenience's sake. They care about human rights. They wouldn't cut deals with mobsters and thugs and call it pacifism. They care about human rights.

Had to publish this duplicate because my last post wouldn't let me update with the bottom paragraph. Any disgusting creeps playing with my Blogger account settings today so they can keep lying about a crime victim? The above title should be 'Happy Halloween 2020', but I wanted to distinguish it and make another useless note about the illegal interference I constantly suffer at this web site. (On the other hand, if it's my fault, I'm sorry, but you can't blame me for being suspicious.)

Happy Halloween! I hope you all had a good Thanksgiving in Canada, as well. I'm having a great Halloween this year. Last night I watched a 1973 film called The Wicker Man, which I recall commenting on in this account some years ago. It's the perfect Halloween movie, complete with heathens and human sacrifices. The music is quite good in it, too, if you like that warm acoustic early 70's sound - albeit, with a slightly creepy edge. That kind of music was big in '73, and seems to lend itself well to horror films, as Mike Oldfield's brilliant Tubular Bells proved in the soundtrack of the Exorcist.

Speaking of music, I haven't listed any of my popular recordings yet as best past posts. Actually, I'm very busy in my honest warehouse job and making a lot more money than I ever did authoring popular music and sharing it on YouTube, at least so far. I don't know how much Mike Myers paid Blue Rodeo to steal the below recording from me in 2007 and put it on the closing credits of Austin Powers, but I was paid nothing for authoring and recording it. Nor was I paid for any of the humour that came directly from my blogs and was used in the scripts, nor was I paid for inventing the lead character and even putting his catch phrase in his mouth. Nice hand drawn cartoons, I think. Who's the miserable creep who said he drew them? Does he even know how to draw while he's being admired for my talent and effort? And Saturday Night Live is still on TV, eh? Like I said, Happy Halloween!

I just tried to find the reconstructed post in my 2018 Song Posts and it says my songs are not on a secure connection. Why, Google? I've asked you before: WHY ARE MY GOOD POSTS ON A FAILING CONNECTION IN YOUR WEB SITE? Is it because they don't break the law like all your superstars in this filthy crime culture? How's that glitzy gangster you put in charge of that racket down there? Are the voters ready to vote against him yet, or do I have to suffer for another four years because of what his Republican predecessor did to me and needs to hide from the world at my expense? Happy Halloween. Don't burn in hell for your sins or anything.

By the way, another good Halloween movie, if you can find it, is Fahrenheit 451 from 1966. It's about a future world where the government wants its citizenry dumb and easily controlled. To this end, books have been banned and TV watching is mandatory. I think today's governments have the same goal and I submit your daytime TV schedule as my evidence. What a load of mind numbing crap. Hey, isn't it time for them to take a serious topic and demolish it with irrelevant references to personal experiences again? Or does the host go around with her microphone and ask cardboard cutouts in the audience for input now? What difference would it make? Anyway, Happy Halloween in our big, corrupt, broadcast-controlled tyranny. Can't wait to die so I can start living.

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© 2020. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.


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