My Real Life

My Real Life
[Another current post.]

That guy I was complaining about yesterday passed away last night. He was probably deceased when I saw him on the floor in the hallway on my way in from work last night. I thought he was just passed out again. Now I suppose I look like an ass for complaining but there is a limit to my pity. I'm not Jesus Christ. He's become the latest statistic in what I call the government's final solution for junkies around here. Here the government hands out big cheques to irresponsible people and lets them destroy themselves. The more money they get, the faster their demise. This guy helped himself to several COVID grants apparently. So there's the result. Let's see it for what it is. And let's all pray for the poor sad guy's soul.

I had to complain about his hallway antics yesterday because we just got rid of a guy who'd stand in my way and dump pails of water over his head until the floor under him started to rot. I put up with that for two years and then, when he finally left, it looked like I was going to have to go through it all again with another tenant in a different way. As you can imagine, my nerves are bad from living under these conditions. Add to that a bunch of monstrous comedians who can't admit when they commit massive fraud and ruin an innocent man's life with the dirtiest lies ever uttered in public, now talking and laughing about their presidential gags on TV - I refer to Saturday Night Live. How'd you like it if Saturday Night Live told nasty lies like that about you? How'd you like everyone thinking you're in jail when you're free and totally innocent? How'd you like them to spread dirty lies about your private affairs? How'd you like to be hated by everyone in the world when all you did was share music and comedy that pleased them? You'd be in a bad mood about it most of the time, trust me. That's if you didn't commit suicide over it as they would wish.

I'm very stressed out these days. To start with, this election is taking forever. I'd like to see it resolved so I know what kind of life to expect in the next four years. And let's hope that any candidate levelling false accusations at this point is uttering their death throes. Oh, and how's Saturday Night Live, everyone? Keeping you entertained? Hopefully with their own content, eh? Nice. I'll just keep living with the memory of their assault since I have no choice. For instance, just thinking about how treacherous elections can be, it would be funny to make up a game show like Jeopardy and call it Treachery and have the contestants all lying and cheating on it, right? I can't help but constantly be reminded of what they did to me on that network. That's some party they have over there. Waiting for my tax refund is wearing me down too. I don't even know why they need to bother us with these forms. They should just deduct their tax from my pay cheques and leave me alone. The feudal peasants were illiterate and incapable of filling out forms but they still managed to pay their taxes. Too much waiting for me. I turned fifty-five on Tuesday. How old was I when they started stealing my songs and poems? Wasn't I in my late thirties? They didn't expect me to survive this long. They underestimated my strength.

Truth makes me strong. It gives me something to anchor myself. I'd rather have it, unpleasant though it may be, than grasp at flimsy lies on the TV.

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