The Grievous Equalizer

The Grievous Equalizer
[This was a new and current post.]

The last time I checked it looked like Biden was going to win the U.S. election. I'm still not counting on it, but it would be nice to see an end to the two-term presidents after twenty years of them. I think Biden is a better choice for the people, but not the best. I'll tell you why.

I have a problem with what I call imposed equality, and it usually comes from governments that are too democratic. Right now, for instance, I share my home with someone with whom I am supposed to be equal. We both qualify for the subsidized rent at our house. But I embrace struggle and he flees from it; I pass my time productively while he wastes his time sedentarily; I avoid dangerous addictions while he indulges in them; I keep myself and my room clean while he wallows in stomach turning squalour; I look after myself while he is in a constant state of need; I write songs while he just listens to songs. These are but a few of our differences, and am I supposed to be equal with him? BC New Democrats, am I supposed to be equal with this sorry individual?

I know we're all spiritually equal in the eyes of God, and so justice should be equally available to everyone. Still, I had some real problems finding effective legal help to defend my online posts when the need was critical. I guess I wasn't equal enough for our lawyers. I do not measure equality by superficial appearances. I judge people by their actions, and their actions make them quite unequal. For instance, when I accused Beyonce of stealing one of my songs in 2008, I had no objection to her physical appearance, just her infringement of my copyright. By stooping to commit this fraud for her hit song, Beyonce lowered herself. But when I asked her to take down her video, she erased my comment and had me accused of filthy racism. Does Youtube recall admonishing me at the time with the words, 'we'd like to keep this site a safe place for artists'? Gee, I guess they didn't think I was an artist after all the songs and poems and cartoons and comedy sketches I'd shared with them since 1999. Miserable.

Genetics makes us unequal, distributing things like height, resistance to disease, intelligence, talent, physical strength, and so forth. We must try not to steam roll over this fact with our social equality. We can't make ourselves what we are not.

All the same, I would be happy to accept this equality if it wasn't all heaped onto one side of town as it is here in Vancouver. What's so equal about that? I recall how someone told me how he tried to put a little note up with scotch tape on a west side bus stop and was incarcerated almost instantly for it. But around my east side block the vandals brandish their spray cans openly. That's quite a sharp difference in law enforcement for two such theoretically equal populations, isn't it?

Do you in the government really think we're all equal? Well, why don't you come and live in my room and be equal there? Why don't you ever impose your equality on yourselves?

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