Recognizing a Fake

Recognizing a Fake
How did I lose my text files for this blog? How did they get erased? Why would someone need to erase them? Is it because the longer I stay online telling the truth about what the rotten stars and lying media did to my work and my life, the greater their lie appears? Appearances mean a lot to liars. They commit a lot of internet crimes over them.

I don't mind how my life turned out. I get to live an honest life, which is far preferable to the grotesque circus that was made out of it by lying stars and lying media. Yeah, I know a greater truth than all those conspiracy assholes know, the truth of my ownership of thousands of pages of intellectual property that stars and media paid themselves for. I'm sure I could have devoted the last ten years of my life to successful new work if the show biz racket had not been so grabby and greedy with all the work I shared from 2000 to 2007. But I guess that's more your loss if you were one of the millions who paid those stars to rip me off - however inadvertently.

For the moment I'm happy because public events have been stopped. I wonder how much money all those big rock concerts made with my music. What a waste. And I could have followed it with new work but I got stuck rewriting so much old work instead.

As long as I'm watching another documentary about fake news where my factual experience as a victim of fake news is not mentioned, I guess I need to ask HBO, the producer of the film, a couple relevant questions. Are you impressed when you see high numbers hit a web post? Tell me, what were the numbers on my YouTube account while Dateline NBC was talking about me on the news every day? I still don't know. Was anyone impressed? George Carlin must have been, though, if he saw big numbers on my web page back in that period from 1999 to 2007. Wouldn't you say, HBO? And did anyone see the interview where he spoke gleefully about his HBO deal? Did HBO know he plagiarized his whole act from my blogs? Because if they did, they paid him handsomely for his crime and left me broke. So am I supposed to believe that they care about fake news when they help their stars to get away with robbing poor authors like me?

I think my mistreatment by the media and my popular online defence of my work and reputation has given ideas to lying politicians and lying conspiracy conmen on what sort of language best reaches the pubic. But they just throw out the phrase 'fake news' to push people's buttons. In my life this term has real substance. I know what I have truly lived and done these last twenty years. All you knew about it probably came from your lying television and its host of lying stars; in other words, nothing - unless you read and remembered every blog I've shared in that time.

These dickheads that the broadcasters loved so much thrive on attention. My music and poetry and comedy is a poor match for them because it comes from a man who doesn't really need such acclaim. Their own music would sound as shallow as their need for attention, but they stole my deepest thoughts so they could trick you into loving them and hating me. But if you liked it, the broadcasters shouldn't have had you thanking liars for it. And because I don't need attention, I don't care if the venues are closed. I know show biz profits are big but I hope some of those offenders end up in the soup line. To the old, rich ones, like the Rolling Stones, I say, 'Hurry up and die!'
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