Poetry Can Hurt

Poetry Can Hurt
I've just heard about the Dr Seuss ban and it doesn't upset me at all. I don't read Dr Seuss anymore. As for racially insensitive imagery, if it upsets visible minorities, I give them the benefit of the doubt on it. I'm white, so my eye misses those kinds of details in children's books. But you can tell he ranked the 'whos' above other races. Remember that scene in the Grinch that Stole Christmas where they're all singing 'Gottes Sohn Ist Kommen' and one of the grown-ups picks up little Cindy Loo Who so she can adorn the portrait of the fuehrer with her wreath? Sorry, I know I shouldn't be joking around about it too much. Poetry ought not to hurt anyone.

Oh, by the way, there were an awful lot of rhyming verses being broadcast to millions of people from 2007 to 2011, or so, that brought terrible harm to someone. That someone was me, their author. What kind of monstrous illusion is created by putting sweet stolen verses into the mouths of greedy, hateful frauds? But, unlike the visible minorities, I do not share the pain of this abuse with anyone else on earth. I was a minority of one poet, drowning in a sea of show business predators and their millions of misled followers. Who else wants to cry over what happened to my songs and poems? Anyone? Is this as hot a topic as the Seuss ban? (Crickets.) Gee, too bad their crimes against me weren't more racist. Looks like the offenders thought ahead on that one - probably from experience.

View my poetry index under 'Songs' below.

I think I made note of some racially insensitive humour I detected on the old Dean Martin Show in a recent post here. On the other hand, I like the Golddiggers a lot. In fact, they are fast becoming my favourite band, especially Taffy. Hey, how do you get a Golddigger to enthusiastically sing hokey old tunes from decades before her time? Pay her. The more you pay, the sweeter she'll sing. Offer her a new car. That'll get her smiling. Nothing beats that new car smile on a woman. And how do you train a Golddigger to kick sideways at a ninety degree angle? You dangle the keys to a new car within her leg's reach and tell her that if she can snag its ring with her big toe, the car is hers. Yes, they sure are cute, those Golddiggers. I wonder if they had any daughters or granddaughters.

Mar 15/2021: I only have time to type these in short intervals, so I didn't have time yesterday to complete my thoughts on the Golddiggers, in order to tie them into my central theme here. You see, wealthy networks stole my poetry, but they only wanted to help me if they could keep what they stole. My rewriting most of it over the last seven years apparently spoiled that plan, hence, they have withdrawn their once eager support. I am given to understand that those who pretended to be me with my comedy or music were very richly rewarded by the networks, all the way to having their own Golddiggers. It doesn't sit well with me, since I struggled to author all that work and I've never even had one Golddigger in my whole life. I shouldn't have to make do with another man's Golddiggers on Youtube. I should have my own show with my own Golddiggers. I could work wonders with the right girls. And you out there in the public are missing out on many new high quality poems and scripts as long as those mean broadcasters keep depriving me of what they already handed out to their fraud stars in my place, for my work.

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