CrimeTube Stinks

Crimetube Stinks
Look at all the plagiarism on Youtube today. Here are a couple of my old erased posts from 2006. I've still not received a dime in royalties for them. Let me tell you, a crime like this is so wrong, I bet its victim could still go to heaven after committing a mass-murder/suicide. For the CBC's sake, I hope I'll not be pushed that far. If I'm lying, come and lock me up. If I'm telling the truth, what price will you 18 million viewers pay for supporting such evil fraud? And while I'm at it, does Youtube really need ten commercials on that old forty minute WW2 documentary I saw last night? Surely, it couldn't have cost that much to produce and share.

Say what you want about America, land of the free, home of the brave, we got some dumbass motherfuckers floating around that country [like George Carlin fraud fans]. (Now obviously that doesn't include my readers). And I'm not just ranting and raving, I have some evidence to support my claim. It seems to me that only a nation of unenlightened halfwits could have taken this beautiful continent and turned it into what it is today, a shopping mall. That's all you got here, folks: mile after mile of mall after mall, many many malls, major malls and mini malls. They put the major malls between the mini malls. And in-between the mini malls they put the mini marts. America the beautiful, one big transcontinental commercial cesspool. And how do the people feel about all this? How do the people feel about living in a coast to coast shopping centre? Well, they think it's just fucking dandy! They think it's cool as can be because Americans love the mall. That's where they get to satisfy their two most prominent addictions at the same time, shopping and eating. Millions of semiconscious Americans, day after day, shuffling through the malls, shopping and eating, especially eating. Americans love to eat. They are fatally attracted to the slow death of fast food. Americans will eat anything, anything. If you were selling sauteed racoon's assholes on a stick, Americans would buy them and eat them, especially if you dip them in butter and put a little salsa on them. This country is big time pig time. Forget the bald eagle. The national symbol of this country should be a big bowl of macaroni and cheese. A big bowl because everything is king sized, extra large and super jumbo - especially the fucking people... [next blog] Have you seen some of the people in this country? Have you seen some of the big fat motherfuckers walking around? Huge piles of redundant protoplasm, lumbering through the malls like a fleet of interstate buses. The people of this country are immense. Massive bellies, monstrous thighs, and big fucking asses. And if you stand and look at one of them, you begin to wonder, how does this woman use a toilet? And standing right next to her, of course, with a plateful of nachos and a mouthful of pie, is her clueless fucking husband, Joe Sixpack. With his monstrous swollen beer belly hanging dangerously over his belt buckle, this guy ain't seen his dick since the Nixon administration...

I used bold text for the protoplasm phrase because I recall putting some concentration into its invention. I put considerable effort into these words so that George could look like it was all off the top of his head in his lying standup routine. Too bad it's so much better than anything he could have come up with himself or I wouldn't have had to erase it to try to stop him and people like him from plagiarizing it. Oh well, I'll get to laugh when this is all straightened out in my favour in the afterlife. You'll be sorry you trusted such evil stars then. And now, if I may indulge in my own angry words, I'm so fucking sick of seeing this late asshole plagiarizing my old blogs on YouTube. Put it in a grave where it belongs.

Speaking of respect for the dead, here is a link to an information blog I was struggling to produce as my poor mother passed away in the hospital in December 2015. His crime interfered with my being able to be with her at the time: George Carlin's Plagiarism.

It's 9:00pm and Youtube thinks I should look at some more of George Carlin's endless plagiarism. Yeah, when he talks about his atheism, that's me too. I tried to eraase it after I realized I needed God in my life, but George Carlin needed to steal it for HBO. So, do you still think George Carlin doesn't need God?

Youtube, Netflix, your cruelty is boundless. I would compare your forcing me to see the faces of those fraud stars on your website to a Holocaust survivor being forced to buy his bagel from his former concentration camp guard. I've already put these words back in my account here somewhere to back up my legal claim and no one has my permission to view this content outside of my account. It's looking more and more like a job for lawyers to clear this all up. And I'm not watching the news anymore, the price is too high. Fuck the war. If they're going to blow a rotten, corrupt society like this to kingdom come, it can only be an improvement. We were better off in the jungle than we are now with a bunch of comedy parasites and music parasites for stars.
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