
Showing posts from November, 2020

Why Biden Won

Why Biden Won I've been following the broadcast news for the first time in a very long time and it's because of this election. I'm very sensitive about false accusations of fraud, such as those apparently being made by the U.S. president and his supporters right now. But perhaps, as a Canadian, I am able to distance myself enough from it to offer Americans an objective summary of the situation. What is going on right now has largely been caused by economic stress. I heard one report that unemployment is up as high as it was during the 1930's. Such widespread hardship may give rise to radicalism, as it did in Germany at that time. When people have no job security, there is too much time for them to sit and dream up conspiracies to explain it all. I know. I was unemployed for a long time. But, since I've been working four to six days a week, I've calmed right down. I look back on some of the things I wrote in the past and shudder, but it's too la

God Doesn't Forget

God Doesn't Forget I've learned a few facts about the real historic Jesus in the last couple of years that challenge my faith in him. I've come to accept that he may have differed significantly from Paul's vision as it is described in the Acts of the Apostles. Anyway, I've decided that I worship God through this figure of a Saviour. Above all, I want to believe in divine justice. I've started writing another long poem. The first nine long poems I've shared online here were chopped apart and broadcast on networks like NBC and FOX instead of staying in my possession. I hated it when my poems got stolen by comedians like George Carlin or Ellen Degeneres or Jay Leno or Saturday Night Live. I just saw that an interview of George Carlin by Jon Stewart back in 2007 or 2008 is still on YouTube. Disgusting! Both of these lawbreakers were up to their necks in plagiarized content from my blogs at that time. Notice how no mention is made of the author of

People Who Can't Imagine Losing

People Who Can't Imagine Losing I watched a good documentary about Hitler's 1936 Olympics the other night. It said that Hitler wanted to build a much larger stadium for the event, one that could hold over 400,000 spectators. His architect informed him that such a structure would force a change in the track size that would break international rules. But Hitler said that Germany would soon be in a position to write or rewrite such rules. He said more or less the same thing about invading Poland, that 'history would be written by the conquerers.' He counted very heavily on winning. Most scoundrels do. And then what happened when he lost? It was with great confidence that he sent his executioners into the occupied territories to conduct his final solution. He couldn't imagine losing. Then he denied his generals permission to withdraw when they were being surrounded by superior Russian forces. He couldn't imagine losing. He forced his advisors to report

You Call That Fraud?

You Call That Fraud? Nov 15/2020: Just one more little note to say that I saw a science video that very effectively debunked the technical claims of 911 conspiracy theorists with regard to fires and controlled demolitions. There are still a lot of unanswered questions for me about that day but I am starting to find myself more agreeable to other explanations outside of conspiracy theories. I'm reasonable that way.[End of Insertion.] There has been a lot of talk about fraud these days and I have had a long personal experience with fraud. I have been complaining about the entertainment fraud that was committed on a vast scale against my blogs over the last twenty years or so online. I have evidence of the fraud that was committed against me but it is too late to have anything done about it now. I was unable to secure legal help at the critical time because I lacked money. My evidence of the fraud committed against me is this Blogger account. The links below these pa

Episode 51

Episode 51 I guess the point I'm trying to make this Saturday evening is about how I draw upon my life experiences for my writing. I work in a warehouse. I enjoy old britcoms like 'On the Buses'. I had trouble applying for credit last year. And I bought a blinding rear light for my bike - though I could have noticed it on another bike earlier. All the same, I merely take creative direction from these experiences to help me write a good comedy script, and the final result, after all the necessary exaggeration and so forth, is in no way an accurate depiction of my life. These characters and events are totally fictitious and any similarities they have with real persons and events is utterly coincidental - so help me God. Call this a current tribute to two lengthy past posts whose commercials were ravaged by shows like Saturday Night Live when I originally shared them in 2007: The Don't Steal Show - Episodes 1-30 ( ) 'The Show Must

My Real Life

My Real Life [Another current post.] That guy I was complaining about yesterday passed away last night. He was probably deceased when I saw him on the floor in the hallway on my way in from work last night. I thought he was just passed out again. Now I suppose I look like an ass for complaining but there is a limit to my pity. I'm not Jesus Christ. He's become the latest statistic in what I call the government's final solution for junkies around here. Here the government hands out big cheques to irresponsible people and lets them destroy themselves. The more money they get, the faster their demise. This guy helped himself to several COVID grants apparently. So there's the result. Let's see it for what it is. And let's all pray for the poor sad guy's soul. I had to complain about his hallway antics yesterday because we just got rid of a guy who'd stand in my way and dump pails of water over his head until the floor under him started to

The Grievous Equalizer

The Grievous Equalizer [This was a new and current post.] The last time I checked it looked like Biden was going to win the U.S. election. I'm still not counting on it, but it would be nice to see an end to the two-term presidents after twenty years of them. I think Biden is a better choice for the people, but not the best. I'll tell you why. I have a problem with what I call imposed equality , and it usually comes from governments that are too democratic. Right now, for instance, I share my home with someone with whom I am supposed to be equal. We both qualify for the subsidized rent at our house. But I embrace struggle and he flees from it; I pass my time productively while he wastes his time sedentarily; I avoid dangerous addictions while he indulges in them; I keep myself and my room clean while he wallows in stomach turning squalour; I look after myself while he is in a constant state of need; I write songs while he just listens to songs. These are but a