Google's One-Way Window
Google's One-Way Window I remember how excited I was with my first YouTube and Blogger accounts. I thought I had a window to the world that would let me spread my work and make me famous. But after erasing those accounts and trying again with the accounts I'm using now, I see how this window works. It stays open to let an army of frauds steal every good thing you might share in a ten year period, and then it closes on you when you try to get your property back. As an artist, I've always written from my heart. It takes a heart to produce music and comedy at my level, but the heartless business stole everything I shared that made people feel good: thousands of original posts. And now it looks like they want you to keep loving and trusting them for it. After over twenty years of complaining about this crime against my work and my image on Blogger, I can say with certainty that my life would have been much happier if it weren't for Google. As long as they...